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Agata Stolarz Director of Operations
Aleksander Znosko-Czarnecki Content Manager
Dymitr Doktór Editor in Chief
Elwira Przybylska Editor-in-chief of FOCUS ON Business
Iwona Księżopolska Art Director  
Marta Binek CX Specialist
Mira Kleban Office Assistant
Patrycja Zajko CX Specialist
Wiktor Doktór CEO
Agata Stolarz Director of Operations

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Łazarski University in Warsaw. Agata is the Director of Operations at Pro Progressio. Her rich and diverse professional experience spans many industries, with the past 5 years devoted to the BSS sector. Agata’s mission is to keep the organization growing and further cement Pro Progressio’s status as the most comprehensive and innovative business support institution in Poland.


A mom, swimming and cycling enthusiast, and lover of good cuisine. She is also passionate about psychology and its role in relationships.


Feel free to contact me:
Aleksander Znosko-Czarnecki Content Manager

Aleksander is the Content Manager at the Pro Progressio’s ARENA project ( He is responsible for delivering brand new content – including news, podcasts, reports – from Poland and around the world every day.


Aleksander holds two masters’ degrees: "Brand Management and Marketing Strategies" from the Koźmiński University in Warsaw, and “Management in Modern Economy” from the University of Economics in Wrocław. An avid traveler, Aleksander is passionate about motor sports, art, and technology.


Feel free to contact me:
Dymitr Doktór Editor in Chief

Dymitr is a practitioner and passionate about optimization solutions that can be used not only at work, but also in everyday life. He likes perfection, harmony and the best possible use of available resources in the implementation of each project. He values a non-standard approach to problem solving, good practices and business ethics.

At Pro Progressio, he is responsible for finance and marketing activities of the company. He is also the editor-in-chief of the FOCUS ON Business magazine and web platform, where he aims to educate the market in the field of modern business services, including outsourcing and optimal use of resources.

Feel free to contact me:
Elwira Przybylska Editor-in-chief of FOCUS ON Business

Elwira is the editor-in-chief of the FOCUS ON Business magazine which covers the modern business services sector from all angles. She coordinates the publishing process of the bimonthly FOCUS ON Business magazine and the diverse array of reports delivered by Pro Progressio.


Elwira’s focus lies squarely in delivering on FOCUS ON Business’ commitment to its readers and provide them with only the highest quality content – both in terms of substance and style of all articles, interviews, and analytical pieces published in the magazine.

Iwona Księżopolska Art Director  
Marta Binek CX Specialist

Marta works with Members of the Pro Progressio Club on a daily basis. She’s focused on creating the right environment for cooperation between Club Members and ensuring each membership package is implemented just the way it was intended to. She is also the point of contact for all Progressio Club Partners. Networking between Members, supporting everyday operations, and running Pro Progressio events – that’s Marta’s typical business day in a nutshell.


In her spare time, Marta is a genuine “one-man band”. A firefighter in the local Volunteer Fire Department, active supporter of local associations, and to put a genuine icing on the cake – gingerbread decorator on special occasions! Marta is also into camping, fishing, and loves to savor life – one step at a time.

Mira Kleban Office Assistant

Mira graduated from the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University and the SWPS University. She arrived from Ukraine in 2022 and joined the Pro Progressio team, taking care of the day-to-day administrative and office tasks. Additionally, she supports the editorial staff of the FOCUS ON Business Portal and is responsible for keeping Pro Progressio’s database – organization’s proprietary tool covering new BSS investments in Poland – up to date.


In her free time, she enjoys translating poetry, cooking, and traveling. She keeps herself busy being involved in a number of volunteering initiatives and loves to play the ukulele.






Patrycja Zajko CX Specialist

Patrycja is a graduate of the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the Białystok University of Technology. She gained her professional experience working in small, privately-owned companies and large corporations as well as state institutions. After 14 years in Warsaw, Patrycja recently returned to her hometown. As Customer Experience Specialist, she supports all activities centered around building and fostering relationships with the Pro Progressio Club Members.


Her favorite leisure activities include personal development, playing the piano, and diamond paitning. She also has a keen interest in geopolitics.

Wiktor Doktór CEO

A graduate of the University of Management and Marketing in Warsaw, Wiktor was among the pioneers in the Customer Experience and Call Contact Center areas in Poland. Wiktor is one of the top experts in the outsourcing industry and a brilliant market analyst, specializing in modern business services and covering areas such as BPO, GBS, SSC, as well as nearshoring and offshoring.


He is the CEO of Pro Progressio, a member of the Board of Directors of the Deutscher Outsourcing Verband, and a member of the Employers' Council of the Accountants Association in Poland. Wiktor counts among the most trusted outsourcing specialists in Poland and has received numerous accolades for his contribution to the growth of the business services sector in the country. His BSS bez tajemnic and Good Morning BSS World podcasts, are a place where a wide array of guests  provide in-depth analyses of hot topics and trends in the BSS sector.


In his spare time Wiktor loves diving, discovering new recipes from around the world, and is an avid LEGO collector. A happy father of two Gen Z-ers.



Feel free to contact me: